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Breakfast Recipe

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Breakfast Recipe

Post by JEBar » Sun Nov 12, 2023 2:34 pm

YouTube has bunches of different recipes .... over the years I've tried many and for the most part, they've turned out OK (NOT GREAT BUT CERTAINLY OK) .... for a while I've been seeing more and more featuring frying breakfast sandwiches .... a link for a good example has been entered below .... I have no desire to cook Crepes but I've long wanted purchase what they call a Crepe Pan .... deciding to give making these breakfast sandwiches gave me a good excuse to purchase a Crepe Pan .... in a separate post I'll outline the pan we decided to go with .... the pan arrived this morning and we put it to work at lunch ....

link ===> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-aXLyf ... L&index=17

lessons learned :

1. the process isn't as simple as they make it look --- but then there isn't anything new about that

2. they don't give cooking temps which proved to be important .... specially for browning the toast

3. they don't discuss how much of the beaten eggs should be poured for a cooking

4. using a nonstick Crepe Pan is a very good choice
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