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Camp Table

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 3:15 pm
by JEBar
the reality is, no camping table is best for all (or even most) applications and do have a wide range of uses .... a place to prepare or serve food are but a couple of them .... a basic fact is the type of camping in which the table will be used is critical and as one's type of camping changes, so does much of the equipment needed .... weight, size (both when in use and when packed for transport), material that it is made of, weight that it will hold, etc are all important considerations .... for us today, we engage in two very different types of camping .... one is weekend outings and the other is a setup on a single site for several months .... after considerable searching, we've ordered an OZTENT Bi-Fold Camp Table ===> ... fold-table .... we ordered ours from Cabela's where its $15 cheaper than it is at the Oztent website .... it looks to me like Oztent makes Cabela's name brand table ===> ... camp-table .... the main difference is what the table top is made of .... Cabela's name brand uses an MDF tabletop (Medium-density fibreboard) .... the type of material used in the side table for many camping director's style chairs .... it is water resistant but far from waterproof .... it will come apart with prolonged exposure ..... the Oztent name brand model has an aluminum table top .... with our table being setup and exposed to the elements from late May through late August, that is an important difference .... at this point we can only hope it performs as advertised

Re: Camp Table

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 4:56 pm
by markiver54
Your considerations in choosing a camp table are no doubt very valuable to those who camp a lot like you do.
I was curious to see what you chose, but the link isn't working. Maybe the problem is at my end.

Re: Camp Table

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 5:01 pm
by MuddyWaters62

Muddy Waters69

Re: Camp Table

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 5:07 pm
by JEBar
should be working now .... no clue why they didn't before :?

Re: Camp Table

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 6:14 pm
by markiver54
Working now!
Nice compact table, and over 300 lb. capacity. That fits the bill. 👍👍

Re: Camp Table

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 6:36 pm
by JEBar
I'd sure like to have been able to see one before ordering but that isn't possible .... both BASS and Cabela's have them for sale but don't have them in stock ....if its not what we hope it is, we can always send it back .... I was impressed by its 3 year warranty .... with its size, we figure we can also use it inside and out for family gatherings and such

Re: Camp Table

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 5:02 pm
by JEBar
setup the new Oztent table for the first time .... as anticipated, its solid .... the 4 locking latches that hold everything in place are simple and work well .... the same is true for the 2 locking latches keep it battened down when folded closed .... only flaw that I've noticed is shared by every folding camping table I've owned .... that being when fully open the table don't top the sections don't form a perfectly flat surface ....

Re: Camp Table

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 5:12 pm
by markiver54
It appears that the portability and solid design outweigh the less than perfectly flat issue. Nice table.

Re: Camp Table

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 5:34 pm
by JEBar
I believe it will do fine